I forgot to take pictures before I put the layouts in the page protectors and I was too lazy to take them out....so, some of the pictures have a glare...I apologize.
She wanted to house the Album in her gear bag - GREAT IDEA and it'll protect it from the elements....

She always gets a t-shirt (in this case, a long-sleeved one) so I adhered it in a clear bag to the front cover so she can take it out and wear it and put it back in. I also put her meadals in here this time....

This was in a magazine and says..."44,000 runners, 1.5 million spectators, one unforgetable experience" All those 'specks' are the 44,000 runners pictured from the starting line...crazy, huh?

This is a copy of her registration she printed online....

This is a copy of her training schedule and a post-it note she had to put on her cooler because people were stealing it before they could come back for water.

These two pages are for all her "good luck" gifts, cards and e-mails. The Good Luck card pulls out of the page protector...

This is her postcard confirmation letting her know "You're In!"...notice that they have her age at 105 years...too funny! I cut the page protector so it's inserted right in front of her "after party" pass but can be pulled out to read the back...

This is her bib....

The next two layouts have all of their flight information...her husband, my boss, flew up with her as well as a friend who ran with her.

This is the running part of the race...some pictures were taken by her husband and the 5x7 were taken by the Marathon workers (somewhat like the camera that takes your picture on a thrill ride at Six Flags..lol)

This is the picture of them at the finish line as well as a close-up of their stats...can you imagine running for 4 HOURS!?!?!

This is the layot with all of her "good job" cards, e-mails, etc. I used one of CTMH's True-Fit Folios to allow for easy access to all....

These are some snapshots of site-seeing and extra photos that didn't make the cut...

This is her DVD, Marathon magazine (more like a book) with all the final results and her thermal blanket...again, the items are in a clear bag adhered to the back cover and are easily accessible if she wants to pull anything out....