Monday, July 21, 2014

Some Like it HOT with H2H...

This week's challenge over at H2H, is to show us your HOT projects!!!

Our DT really stretched their imagination this week and created some not-so-obvious projects...can't wait for you guys to see them!

I...went for the HOT beach pictures that I've had saved on my computer since 2007...smh.  Studio J is the PERFECT way to catch up on some much needed scrapbooking!!!

I used the Surf's Up collection...the BEST thing about Studio J is that all the paper packets (and even some that were never released in "print") will still be available eventhough the paper is retired!!! 

here are some close-ups of the can resize them, push them backward, bring them forward, crop them, stack them...the possibilities are endless!
I made it to where these stickease went off the layout, much like you would do if you were stamping!
And here is a close-up of the stitching (which I LOVE to do in Studio J!!!) and the date using the journalling function...

1 comment:

Thanks for showing some {{{love}}}....